S01E157: Your Grave Or Mine?

A Coup Ma Mutata
I’m Gonna Apple You Bitch
Kiddie Pool Made Of Cement

Boo-Bury Sees Hairball and Kris Vox ⛧ Dan Ellsberg Passes On ⛧ The Pentagon Papers and His Book ⛧ Poland’s Digs Up 450 Headless Vampire Graves⛧ Meetups! ⛧ Buzkashi – Horseback Dead Goat Rugby of Afghanistan ⛧ Olympics ⛧ Sports of the Ages ⛧ Jung and The Shadow ⛧ Roman Empire ⛧ Duality and Nature ⛧ Napoleon and the Christ Complex ⛧

I’m Off To The Arcade


ZOSO’S CORNER (Show Notes)


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