S01E176: Heaven and How to Get There
I’m The Jury Baby
Whomst Among Us
Now The Goat’s Dancing
Vax That Ass Up
Mischief Night! ⛧ Victorian Era Books Debunk Ghosts by Explaining Spectral Illusions ⛧ Seeing Spectres in Photographic Plates ⛧ The Golden Age of Halloween Postcards circa 1900-1920 ⛧ How Anoka, MN became the Halloween Capital of the World ⛧ Testing Grenade Launchers Strapped To the Back of Robotic Goats ⛧ The Future of War
I’m All About Contrast You See!
ZOSO’S CORNER (Show Notes)

Tonight’s Tarot:
King Of Wands – Linestrider Tarot Deck (R)
Freaks of Hazard:
Spaz got in his monthly donation for $9.99 and also sent in some WV Witch lore we might get into tonight!
Captain Oblivious also sent in $15 at the very end of last week’s show it seems!
Ghost with the Holy Wars isos and a note
ITM Gents,
First time listener, came by for the Grahamerican chat post No Agenda… will check more out
Here ya go… Megadave lives!
A freindly ghost
MakeHeroism made some KILLER art for this week’s episode!!
Some late arriving but well worth it birthday gifts from both Lavish and an anon producer!!

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Video – Soldiers watching call it “creepy”
On September 9, Marines at Twentynine Palms, California, strapped a rocket launcher to the back of a commercially available robotic goat as part of a tactical training exercise.
In a video of the test, the robotic goat is set up for safety on a firing range within a little sandbagged shelter, cleared to fire, and then the rocket-propelled grenade launches off the goat’s back. (While most quadrupedal robots of this size are referred to as robot dogs, the Marine Corps referred to the robot in question as a robotic goat.)
The test, one of several new and autonomy-adjacent technologies demonstrated that day, offers a glimpse into what robot-assisted combat of the present and the future could look like.
The test was conducted by the Tactical Training and Exercise Control group, together with the Office of Naval Research, and it took place at the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, which is the largest Marine Corps base.
The rocket-propelled grenade launcher used was an M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon (or LAW). The weapon is a NATO standard, and thousands of the weapons have been delivered to Ukraine since it was invaded by Russia in February 2022.


Found this cool little Victorian book on how you too could “summon spirits”! It uses a technique called afterimages that allows the image to be “imprinted” on the retina.
🌙 Spectropia; or, Surprising Spectral Illusions (1865)
- One thing we hope in some measure to further in the following pages, is the extinction of the superstitious belief that apparitions are actual spirits, by showing some of the many ways in which our senses may be deceived, and that, in fact, no so-called ghost has ever appeared, without its being referable either to mental or physiological deception, or, in those instances where several persons have seen a spectre at the same time, to natural objects, as in the case mentioned by Dr. Abercrombie, in his work on “The Intellectual Powers:” — “A whole ship’s company were thrown into the utmost consternation, by the apparition of a cook who had died a few days before. He was distinctly seen walking ahead of the ship, with a peculiar gait, by which he was distinguished when alive, from having one of his legs shorter than the other. On steering the ship toward the object, it was found to be a piece of floating wreck.”
- To see the spectres, it is only necessary to look steadily at the dot, or asterisk, which is to be found on each of the plates, for about a quarter of a minute, or while counting about twenty, the plate being well illuminated by either artificial or day light. Then turning the eyes to the ceiling, the wall, the sky, or better still to a white sheet hung on the wall of a darkened room (not totally dark), and looking rather steadily at any one point, the spectre will soon begin to make its appearance, increasing in intensity, and then gradually vanishing, to reappear and again vanish ; it will continue to do so several times in succession, each reappearance being fainter than the one preceding. Winking the eyes, or passing a finger rapidly to and fro before them, will frequently hasten the appearance of the spectre, especially if the plate has been strongly illuminated.
- “As an apology for the apparent disregard of taste and fine art in the plates, such figures are selected as best serve the purpose for which they are intended.”
🌙 Halloween Postcards, ca. 1900–1920
- As the October 31st festival began to emerge in its modern guise thanks, in part, to an influx of immigrants from the British Isles in the United States, picture postcards entered their so-called “golden era”, ca. 1905–1915. Rarely seen or used in the US before 1893, an estimated 900 million postcards had been mailed two decades later. And quite a few of these were Halloween themed. Historian Lisa Morton reckons that around 3,000 unique designs for spooky cards were created in the golden era alone, cards which helped popularize the celebration and standardize its imagery.

⭐ How Anoka Became the Halloween Capital of the World | Anoka, MN | QCTV
- 100 Years Old
- Three Parades
Witches perceived as threat to settlers in what’s now W.Va.
Alice Cooper “Keepin’ Halloween Alive” Public Service Announcement
The Goriest Art – Memorial Garage
Jordan Peterson talks about his obsession with Misato Katsuragi
Up in the ceiling – Johnson CIty